Thursday, August 30, 2007


Now, let's be clear and acknowledge that every single country has its share of numbskulls. They're all over the planet, and I've certainly done a little time myself starting many sentences with, "huh?" (Like, in high school? And stuff?)


This is excruciating. And funny. And sad. And very, very, very, very telling. Do watch the entire clip (though I had a hard time getting through it all in one go). I'm pretty sure they're not actors. Just regular ol' Amerrrrrrrricans.

We need to start taking education real serious!


Deanna Hull said...

I'm sorry, but you told me to watch the whole thing and it ruined my day. But what would happen if he did the same thing in some conservative area of London? or Sydney?

EKinDK said...

You're absolutely right -- there would be head-scratchers there, too. My favorite (most painful?) part is when they renamed certain countries -- Australia becomes Iran -- and no one questions it. Maybe (hopefully) most did, but it was just edited out...