Friday, October 06, 2006

We were experiencing technical difficulties. Thanks for standing by.


After eleven days, six phone calls, two trips to the post office and innumerable HARRUMPHS, we are online. On the net. In cyberspace. Totally teched. Plugged in. Wired.

And this little baby made it all possible...

Here in Denmark, the phone company, TDC, handles most internet stuff, and so Don and I (well, Don...with me badgering him about it every 20 minutes) have called and called and called and called and called them, wondering when our magical thing (we didn't really even know what it was, but we knew it was SOMETHING) was going to arrive in the mail to get us up and running. It was a little like Christmas morning every morning for days, with the sad faces to go with it when we realized it was actually December 23rd, not the 25th, AGAIN. Empty mailboxes SUCK. Especially when your neighbors have festive, technical-looking boxes waiting for them at the mailbox. I only picked up one box and shook it and wished to Santa it was mine.

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